Dearest Yvonne,
I hope you arrived well back in Germany.
There is no moment which might be good or better to thank you and the board of knowledge for what it is.
In the beginning when we did the training 1&2 there was nothing that gave me the feeling that my life would probably have change after it. I thought I've “learned another way of helping me and other people”… which did not really work out on most other seminars I did before.
But it is different. Very much different. I`m surprized and amazed at one time how the board (or whatever it is 😉 works.
I'm still full of energy being able to do so many things and having so much power. Starting with some Yoga at 6am. Always I wanted to do this… it rarely happened because I was too lazy somehow.
And one of the most important was the cleaning of my house and for me not to having back pain in the morning from the night before. After so many tries with other energy work this time it seems to be solved.
This is sooooo great! I hope the board will never stop keeping things in balance and lifting whatever needs to be lifted!
Crete, Greece
Dearest Yvonne,
During challenges that life was giving me I had great luck to meet such a warm and loving person as you are.
Working with you did not only make miracles to me, but also revealed the whole new Universe that I have not known even existed!
I am excited about new coming revelations....
Many hugs,
Thank you for your kind words, healings & upgrades.
It has been an honour to be your student.
Love & Light,
United Kingdom

Dearest Yvonne,
I want to thank you. When I think of a Teacher that I have dedicated myself to and I am a student to... I think of you.
I feel the truth and the wisdom in your words.
Thank you for being there always, responding, helping and guiding!
be well
with a lot of love
Heraklion, Crete

Yvonne to me is a gifted and insightful healer, a talented and inspiring teacher, an excellent spiritual psychotherapist who could so easily manage to see through the layers of my unconscious defenses, with true compassion, integrity and persistence. There were times I can very well remember when a kick was what I needed and she was there to just give it to me! And again there were times when her love and joy was embracing me with such grace….
I simply entrusted her - something not so easy for me to do and I am so glad I did - to guide me through my process of seeing how much more beautiful it can be to feel, instead of thinking how I feel….
We did Dream Journeys, Seminars: “The world of our Fears”, “Healing of Family Relationships”, “Bioenergetics”, “NET Classes” and of course “Universal White Time Healing Levels 1-4".
Yvonne, I am forever grateful, you have been my Teacher for life, but really, you are my Earth Angel. Thank you <3
Athens, Greece
I have been working with Yvonne since 2007.
She has been my healer and my teacher. All these years she has been there for me in every step along the way with kindness, compassion, patience, understanding and honesty. She is both an excellent healer and an excellent teacher. She is also a living example of constant growth,intergrity and compassion. She is always growing in Love and Light and shares it with generocity.
Thank you Yvonne!
Kalliopi Papachatzaki
When I first met Yvonne I was struck by her ability to look right through me. Rather than seeing my faults, she was able to use my 'issues' to awaken my heart.
She taught me the importance of taking personal responsibility for my thoughts, words, and actions so that I could start anew to a bright and fruitful now, and tap into the power of the present moment.
She is a great teacher and a lovely person.
I feel extremely fortunate that our paths crossed and that she helped me transform my life.
Crete, Greece and Sao Paulo, Brazil
Words are not enough to express my feeling for you. As a therapist literally saved me.You saved soul and my body. As a teacher, you're the best. I learned so many wonderful things that help me in my life every day.
I wish you the best soulful and i will always remember you with love.
Don't forget we miss you!!
Heraklion - Crete - Greece
Dear all, my english is not perfect, but good enough to write, that we spent fabulous, deep, important and fabulous cutting-edge days with Yvonne. Her teaching is tough, clear and deep. Her heart is so big and incredible sensitive.She spreads her wings to help us all, doing the same: spread your wings and be... be yourself. A person to learn and to be with!Highly recommendable!!!
Well, i never thought i would do what i have done, accepting healing in this way. When the time came, I trusted you and you helped me. It feels good to know you and i am looking forward to see you again.
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
To the road of a person's quest for self-empowerment, self-knowledge and unconditional love and happiness, Yvonne is the hand you want to hold on and the shoulder to lean on when things get tough.She is always there, a subtle yet powerful presence to help bring the light deep into peoples souls. My dear Yvonne, I am grateful that I have one more time the chance to say a huge THANK YOU!!! from the bottom of my heart for all your Love and Support.
Heraklion, Crete
Hi Yvonne, you know that i am a person who talks a lot. But now i have only one thing to say. You are perfect and you help us in our path to find the LOVE and LIGHT that we all are and i am gratefull for that. Thank you from the deepest of my heart.
Heraklion, Crete
Dearest Yvonne, a big thank you fom my heart for all! I feel blessed and so happy that our paths have crossed! Thank you for bringing UWTH into my journey. It is trully miraculous!
Thank you for the teaching, the healing, the patience, the guidance, the wisdom, the humour.. For the love and light you put into everything you do. It has all helped me to find and trust my own love and light more and more each day. Looking forward to the next step!
Mit UWTH Level 1 habe ich das erste mal wirklich fühlen können, dass das Licht in uns ist und wir nicht im Außen nach ihm suchen müssen. Ich war überwältigt, glücklich und angespornt weiter zu machen, all das in mir zu durchdringen, was mich abhält mein eigenes Licht sehen und leben zu können. Yvonne ist für mich eine wundervolle Lehrerin, die nicht nur Liebe und Licht ausstrahlt, sondern einfach ein wundervoller Mensch ist und frei von Dogmen, Urteilen und Verpflichtungen lehrt. Für mich verkörpert sie, was sie lehrt und bleibt dabei ein ganz „normaler“ Mensch.
My relationship with Yvonne Ritzen dates back to 2006. This relationship, which lasts up to now, in terms of active collaboration in a variety of aspects, has benefited me beyond expectation. The work with Yvonne has been evolved in a number of levels and areas which intersect with each other in order to boost one towards growth, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This holistic approach has helped my personal growth by transforming the way of developing me within.
As a scientist with an active working experience of about 30 years in Computer Science I am now able to claim that I can combine the benefits of the Science with the ones of the Spiritual world in order to pursue balance in a harmonious complementary way. I assume it is obvious there are inter-dependences between the two, which more or less stress the notion of Wholeness which in turn, as the time passes, make more and more evident their profound and inevitable integration.
The onset of my work with Yvonne had been stamped by Reiki sessions in order to tackle anxiety issues which had been raised during that time. That was only the Healing start which, day by day as I was assessing my health progress, I was voluntarily guiding myself towards a sequence of relevant experiences addressed by techniques like: White Time Healing, Dream Journeys, Meditation etc. This optional cascading pattern of therapies, ALL of which have being applied by Yvonne, had the one after the other created for me an arsenal of healing tools which aim to protect the immune system of my Soul and thereof the Brain which in turn by a miraculous way implicitly or explicitly protect the health in the physical layer which in earthly terminology is most commonly known as a Human Body.
The amazing route of the above trip led me to become a level IV UWTH healer and prior to that, I’ve got a Reiki II degree…. The trip has just started!!!
PS. My occupation is still Computer Science. My love is Growth for the sake of my beloved ones and the self. The means of striving Growth is the embodied dialect of the immaterial ‘I’ ….
Ήταν εκείνη που με σήκωσε από την λασπη! Είναι το ανιδιοτελής χέρι που απλώνεται πάντα σε εμένα όταν το χρειάζομαι! Είναι ο άνθρωπος που με βοήθησε να δω ποια πραγματικά είμαι!! Είμαι ευγνώμων που υπάρχει στην ζωή μου, αισθάνομαι πραγματικά τυχερή που η θεϊκή δύναμη συνδέσαι τους δρόμους μας. Σε ευχαριστώ Yvonne που με βοήθησες να βοηθω και εγώ και την σειρά μου!!
Honestly, if I had not met Yvonne some years ago, I would not have been able to find the “road back” to earth. Working with Yvonne I realised that somewhere in the universe there is my tribe and it is worthwhile for me to keep searching for the connection with it. Without any intention of controlling and with full responsibility of her role as a healer and teacher. Yvonne helped me finding out ways to develop myself but also to help others. Thank you, Yvonne, for the support and the knowledge!
I am very glad and grateful that the universe crossed my path with such a generous and wise soul as Yvonne. I love her so deeply and I thank her because she (literally) is a physical portal to my spiritual growth. And she is always there for everyone who needs her!

She keeps me honest, stimulates me to grow, picks me up when I stumble, kicks my ass when I procrastinate, holds my hand when I'm afraid and comforts me when I'm sad. She's my wife.
Iraklio, Crete